64.64 ACRES RIGHT OFF HWY 25 IN RINCON NM, ADJACENT TO HATCH NM. ZONED T2. SORROUNDED BY THE RIO VALLEY CHILI COMPANY. Call Dona County for full permitted uses. Some of the T2 district: uses Civic Space, Park, Green, Playground, Community Garden, Medium Community Garden, Large Residential Accessory Dwelling: 1 accessory dwelling limited to 1,250 sq. ft. Home Occupation (see Section 350-510 Home Occupation Permits) Single Family Dwelling, Mobile Home Single Family Dwelling, Site-built, Community Types, Lodging, Bed and Breakfast, Retail and Service, Food, Truck/Push Cart, Institutional Community Building, Public or Private Agriculture: (A) Permitted if assessed as Agriculture for On-Farm Operations only. Agricultural Packaging and Warehousing (A), Agricultural Processing Facility (A) Cannabis microbusiness, Farming and Ranching (A), Grain Storage (A), Livestock Pen (A), Research and Education, Civic Support, Animal Hospital, VeterAnimal Hospital, Veterinary Cliniic & kennel, Childcare, etc.